the only movie which proves that acting and music can create a world around you.
The Friday dated as 11-11-2011
Producer: Dhilin Mehta
Director: Imtiaz Ali
Music Director: AR Rahman
Artists (Cast): Nargis Fakhri, Ranbir Kapoor
The transition period of stupid, idiot Janardhan to Rockstar Jordan seems a nice concept.
The initiation of movie was simply fantabulous, where the Heer(Nargis Fakhri) dance in the style of somewhat Midas touch of Europe was showing that Europe going to further front of the movie. Whereas, the volley of comment from boys seems dramatic, so the dramatic are many portion of the movie, where you feel lack of “FEEL”.

Stephen Herek directed the Hollywood movie with the name Rockstar in year 2001, showing the band, audiences, crowd, metallic and all surrounded by music also. Seems to be copied as the hoardings of both gives same impression.
People find it close to Jab we Met, Jim Morrison, but I haven’t find any link in between these all.
Nargis, a new entry with the skiny body, beautiful lips, however fails to act. However, it was earlier decided that Kareena will act in the film, but Kareena and Ranbeer being sibling, can’t go for intimate scenes of the movie. Director gave a thought to change the actress rather changing the actor, as Ranbeer was fitted for the movie.
However, Ranbeer and last performance of Shammi Kapoor as the music maestro created a musical moment.
Ranbeer acting shook the bollywood as no other actor can fulfill this challenge. Aditi played well as Journalist.
After Khwaja, Maula Maula(Delhi6), Kun faya kun undoubtedly bought close to feel the god.
The jugalbandi of traditional, soft, compromising music was going with modern, metallic, stings and wild music was amazing concept. In addition, justice was done by acting of Shammiji and Ranbeer. Hats off!!! AR Rehman sahib.
Lyrics constitute words from different languages touching the million hearts. Eg. Sadda Haq, Kun faya kun, Gaga re mori ( Nadaan Parinde) and remaining the the dichotomy of Taj touched in its own way.
Camera Angles:
Imtiaz found anger in the movie, but that anger was not enough to raise the audiences to salute the screen or raise from chairs.


The movie had a flaw, when the Ranbeer sing his own lines of Kun Faya Kun song; he looks upward, and then comes aerial shot in the movie. In the same aerial shot, Ranbeer is missing.
Even when Jordan remembers Heer, he remembers a scene when Heer collapsed in front of her hubby. Nevertheless, at that time, Jordan was not in front of her. So how can he remember the moment he haven’t seen. Editing needs to be crisper.
Wardrobe of Jordan
It took more than one year to collect the ragged, used cloths for Jordan. It was the first thing, everyone notice in Jordan and off course the movie. They can have also tried bandana on his head. The sleeveless jackets, harem and loose shirts and the types of turban he wears.
Even the Kashmiri bridal dress of Heer, seems different and not the one from any movie. Dressing was almost best with Ustaad Zamil khan role.
Directorial Style:
Movie was good in showing the peeping of media in personal life and not understanding the emotion of a rockstar.
Worth good in that part, the direction was.
The most important thing that the small bytes of Kashmir, were people raise their hands in the song “Sadda Haq” was breaking. It simply conveyed the message of countrywide people fighting for their rights.
Somewhere, I find Imtiaz inspired by recent wars of Libya and Syria as the movie making took place during this time and it is vivid by the costumes of Ranbeer.
The young generation seems to be inspired by the Jordan, as the girl raised in his own family purchases the DVD.
Negative is easily developed shown in the movie was a good part of movie. The sketches were awesome.
Shots were not enough and beauty of Prague was not equivalent to the love story of Heer and Jordan. The way the soul of Heer comes at the end, seems weird.
However, there is something special in this movie, not the scene or the story, but a strange thing; you won’t like the movie as you watch. You will start liking the movie after two to three days and you will wish for second watch.
The reason behind this may be, the jump cuts are allowed in the movie, out of which people are messed up.
However, social message were expected to be solidified by this movie. But people were expecting too much of social messages from the movie.
The way Imtiaz never love to be that close with media, can be seen in the movie, that media diagnosed or dissect the personal life of star and off course, media person must thing that they need some time to cope up to.
Last but not the least, Naddaan Parinde performed by Ranbeer is the most touchy song in the movie. When he turn back to the audiences, the lyrics "daggar gaggar" goes on.
-By Swati Shobha Sevlani